The Insurgency of the Invisible

Scientific rationalism says that everything needs to be measured, categorised, proven, dissected, validated.

But the invisible refuses to comply.

The field of the imagination, of outrageous beauty, of synchronicity and the miraculous, cannot be dissected, or anticipated on a human-created timeline, or measured.

The invisible keeps us humble. The unexplainable raises our head to seek to understand.

Beauty reduces us to the moment of now, all other capacities and connivings undone.

Imagination removes even a conversation of out-of-the-box, which is its own box. 

The invisible, the eternally unexplainable, ensures we humans do not become lost in the mire of dominion, righteousness, and narcissism.

The timeline of the arrival of our personal experience of the insurgency of the invisible cannot be calculated, which is of course part of the invisible’s design. Perhaps on our death bed, perhaps at the very moment when we lose something we took for granted, perhaps when our health reduces us to high need.

I prefer a path of daily meeting the insurgency of the invisible. Of loosening the chains of plans and goal and objectives. 

Allowing the field to ripen. A no-thing, non-doing space. An ecstatic greeting towards the beautiful. 

It is at the intersection of my human linear plans and the insurgency of the invisible that I am met by an unfolding awe. Like the flute, the Universe breaths through me, and I become an instrument.

July 10th 2019

Photo taken July 10th, 2019