The myth of hard work
There is a myth about hard work. Work hard, apply the effort, get results.
The myth of Sisyphus, the character punished to eternally carrying a heavy load up a mountain only to fall back down just before the top, is a demonstration of hard work with little result.
A woman walking several hours a day to get fresh water before she works the fields to scratch out a meagre existence is a demonstration of hard work.
Are Sisyphus or this woman lazy? Are they deserving less than the executive who works hard?
A person raised in privilege with access to resources and influence might work hard, but the game is rigged in their favour from the outset.
Hard work is not the same as access, resources, appropriate tools and considered systems that support the work.
When we measure by hourly rate, when we refuse to account for access, the right resources, education or skill, we continue to set the scene for discrimination.
Photo taken October 28th 2021