The shadow of hypocrisy
You can be an immigrant and then insist there be no more immigrants.
You can point a finger at corruption in the ‘others’ and then step over it in your tribe.
You can claim massive tax cuts and then cry that those on welfare are the ones cheating the system.
You can be a legitimate victim of genocide and then enact genocide.
When you do these things, you are a hypocrite.
From etymology online. c. 1200, ipocrisie, “the sin of pretending to virtue or goodness.’
Hypocrisy is a many-headed monster forged from a pool of injury, victimhood, righteousness and entitlement.
If there is a ladder to climb, it is for the hypocrites and their tribe only. For everyone else, the ladder is kicked away.
Hypocrisy works like all Little Atrocities, beginning with that first small indignation and escalating when unchallenged to become blatant blaming of the person and people you probably started as.
Hypocrisy pairs with arrogance.
The antidote to an infestation of hypocrisy is humility. To be undone. Brought to our knees. Broken down.
To remember, but for a stroke of luck, or for getting away with Little Atrocities, this is me. I am them. I am the other.
But arrogance and hypocrisy do not listen and forget to feel.
In time, the arc of life, the crucible of divine justice, plays her hand.
The shadow of hypocrisy – light – never forgets.
Photo Taken November 25th 2024, Article written November 25th 2024