The times call for abundance, collaboration and interdependence
The cultural signals are scarcity and atomised, all for each other competition, yet the times call for abundance, collaboration and interdependence.
Energy is the god of power over others. Those who hold the keys to the energy kingdom hold the power. As we race to build more AI and big tech, our need for energy explodes beyond anything we have imagined. But do feel guilty about taking that long haul flight as the traders in Wall Street and London transact billions of trades a day using billions of kilowatts of energy.
We know that the energy we have depended upon for the last few hundred years is a depleted resource. We know that endless growth on a finite planet is impossible math. We also know that whole nations will be uninhabitable due to climate change. Competition is still the prevailing myth of the day.
I want my success. Status. Stuff!
As the codes of Universe would have it, it is exactly at this time, when the fear is greatest, and the scarcity terrifies, that we need to exhale and embrace collaboration, see the abundance and recognise our complete interdependence.
Yes, it is counterintuitive. Yes, it can also be terrifying. How will I survive is a legitimate question.
But to reach back into the bucket of tools of the dog-eat-dog, winner-takes-all world is to feed the beast that will break us all.
This is the paradox. A better world is calling. We need to act and live it into existence.
Photo Taken November 18th 2024, Article written November 18th 2024