This is not business school 101. This is life creating life
Squeezing a round peg into a square hole.
We know it will not work. But we try anyway. Often we keep trying, year on year.
We so want it to work, to look the way we want, on our timeline. We want it to be commercial out of the gate, a nice packaged programme. We want our relationship to work, even though the truth is a round peg, a square hole.
Our will, divorced of any communion with that which we are stewarding, our will imposed on. Our will. Against that which we are stewarding to life.
Creation is not an isolated act. It is in partnership with, in deep communion with that which we are stewarding to life.
It requires the capacity to put aside our attachment to any form. To stop squeezing the creation through a timeline that cannot contain its integrity, its essential pattern.
We are asked to be patient. To be wise. To hold, hold, hold. To tune into Kairos time.
And at times to stand as the protector of the Pattern Integrity against impositions of others, often good-intentioned people, with good hearts, who see that which we have been tasked with stewarding in their own image.
To know the difference between wise council from others, and a distortion of the Pattern Integrity imposed inadvertently.
This is not business school 101. This is life creating life.
Photo taken December 8th 2020