To say we are sorry for harm done
We all make mistakes. Good people make mistakes, smart people make mistakes, many people make mistakes by accident, some make mistakes with deliberation.
Mistakes can be through carelessness, arrogance, cultural stories of righteousness and domination.
To apologise means to speak in defense of self, of our word. It is rooted in the etymology of a defensive stance.
To say we are sorry, to speak of our sorry, is to speak of our pain for this event or experience. Sorrow has empathy, the ability to truly feel harm done in its expression.
To be able to say we are sorry for an act, for our thoughtlessness, means we have the desire to understand the world from the point of view of the other. We have the maturity to feel for the other. We also have enough self-regard to know that to speak of our mistakes and say we are sorry will not make us lesser than. Quite the contrary, it makes us worthy of leading.
To never have the courage to say you are sorry for anything demonstrates the immaturity and insecurity of the person. Their identity so wrapped in always being right, never making mistakes.
To never make mistakes is the realm of the Gods. Unfortunately leaders who have spun stories of their godlike status are the most dangerous leaders. Their self-imposed godlike hubris tells them they can get away with anything. Often for a while they do get away with anything.
Until the harm done is a step too far.
Photo taken November 2nd 2021