Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself
It is a simple statement. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
If we unpack this statement it says something that is incredibly inconvenient to many of us.
To honour this statement means we become vigilant to our own hypocrisy.
We point the finger at another’s behaviour at our peril. Ask where that behaviour lives in us.
When considering partnerships, words are not where substance lives. It is consistent action over time. Someone who fluently betrays another once will do it again, without batting an eye.
If we want respect, be respectful. If we want truth, speak truth. If we want generosity be generous.
We will be exploited. There will always be betrayals. Choose the people to surround yourself with based on their consistent actions over time. Those who profit from betrayal, manipulation, hypocrisy…no matter how compelling their current spin, need the strongest of boundaries.
Better yet, don’t engage with them. Certainly do not vote for them. Under any circumstances.
There are enough magnificent, wholehearted, integrous people in the world to enrich our days.
Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.
Photo taken September 21st 2021