A word we might get used to.
This morning, a few weeks before the Southern Hemisphere is ‘officially’ in summer, we have the mid-winter morning equivalent. Not a cloud on the horizon. Fresh air. The ocean a lake, not a breath of wind.
It is beautiful. Breathtaking. Unseasonable.
Earlier today I was listening to a report about the rise and entanglement of the anti-vax movement with man-made climate change denial. Perhaps not so much issues based at its root, but the precessional effect of years of erosion of integrity, trustworthiness and transparency by government, leaders, media and our corporations. Authority cannot be trusted. This is true.
Cry wolf is not a fairy tale but truth our planet is now living. (Cry wolf is the story of a child who cried wolf to get attention when there was no wolf, so when a real wolf came, no one believed him.)
The house is actually burning, the town is actually drowning, the whole island nation is actually drowning, but no, caught in the web of clever algorithms and people playing sport with human emotions for gain, we say it is all lies set upon us by a dark underground authority.
Stirred with fervour by the ‘don’t tell me what to do’ separation of individual rights from collective wellbeing.
Pop culture so often speaks the language in the exterior of our interior.
Woke! Culture wars! Rights! My rights!
If we turn these words back into ourselves we might begin a conversation of our own unseasonable emergence.
What do we need to become woke to in ourselves? Where are we at war with our own cultural interior? What are my rights and how do they affect others? Do I care when my demand for rights does affect others? When I get enraged that other’s rights over me affect me, do I see the contradiction? Who has authority over me truthfully? What is choice? Is it really mine or have I been as much a subject of propaganda as those I accuse of being the consensus zombies?
These questions are the only way we will actually find our own authority and be able to make sovereign choice.
So many of us cry for freedom not realising that we are trapped in our own prison.
Ultimate freedom is to think for ourselves and to know the effect we have on others. In this knowing to take responsibility. This is not a weekend workshop but long deep work requiring daily investment.
Few people choose this path. The addictive drama hook of righteousness is far easier. And so we tear each other apart as our home planet burns.
Photo taken November 14th 2021