Viruses everywhere

There is truth to the biblical expression….what you reap you sow. And what you sow you reap.

With the age of the internet came computer viruses, created by nefarious characters, often as a game, the invisible power, able to crash or take over your computer, or worse, crash a city, a bank..

In 2020 we have the obvious virus. Invisible, indiscriminate. Unpredictable. People who claim expertise are like fortune tellers, gazing into the crystal ball of the future. They can be found on every street corner and they thrive off spell-casting people to believe them.

And we have the virus of conspiracy. Spread by the most successful propaganda machine ever known.

One has killed at least a million people, mothers, fathers, lovers, friends…and will leave lasting effects of the post-viral syndrome on hundreds of thousands of people.

And the other devours minds, turning any semblance of critical, objective and complex thinking into the weapon of polarisation. 

Looking at the current affairs from the level of Universe, one can see the fracture. The moment we agree to a violation of integrity, to lies as the currency of politics, and company reporting…to hundreds or thousands of years of extraction, colonisation, humans as commodities…we set today in motion.

To see clearly that the colonisation and exploitation have shifted from the world of the visible to the invisible, the virus of the computer, the internet, the web that connects us all….

The pattern within the pattern is of our creation. Not some shady group of people working together, the modern-day Illuminarti, but rather a whole system designed to do exactly what it is doing, while we, the people, one little atrocity at a time, said yes.

We might consider that we are the contagion. Infected by our greed, our fear of being overtaken by the other, our agreement to shop until we drop, be numbed by drugs, Netflix, and social media, to be poisoned by conspiracy, the addiction to the dopamine hit so carefully curated that we do not even know we are caught in its web.

Our task, if we can pull out of the death spiral, is to stop. Step back. Untangle from the rabbit holes of propaganda. Use tools like the Warm Data lab to sit in multiple contexts. Develop our capacity for objective, critical thinking.

It is hard to do, so very hard. The drug of righteous indignation, of wanting to be part of the fringe that lives in conspiracy, the cycle of fear that is deliberately created there, are all addictive.

Our minds have been occupied. To know this is to begin to replace the virus with life, a future for all, and our own increased capacity to discern.

Photo taken October 3rd 2020