What do you yearn for?
I was thinking about this this morning, after several weeks of working hard on a project and it being completed.
That wonderful feeling of satisfaction, to stay the course. To finish the job. For it to be complete.
The sense of fulfillment that comes with completion.
I was thinking about how often people say they want to feel fulfilled in their lives. And I wonder if it is easily gained by feeling fulfilled by completing simple tasks. Dishes well done. The floor clean, yet again.
Perhaps we rush past the point of completion moving on to the next task, stepping right over that moment when we might pause and honour a job well done?
Perhaps we see some aspirational future and ignore the day today, and in doing, stay in the place of lack, always seeking some mythical endpoint?
Is it this simple? To know what we yearn for and bring the experience we yearn to have into the small and seemingly petty things, tasks and achievements?
If we are fractals of fractals, then to create the world we yearn for in our every day might be the antidote to our yearning.
Photo taken October 24th 2021