What does it take to change your mind?

It is worth being aware of our own process of changing our minds.

The world is torn apart by conspiracy, untethered narratives, lies, crazy worldviews.

Becoming a better sense-maker is one of the most significant skills we can cultivate.

What does it take to change your mind?

  1. Are you open to change? This is a powerful question, requiring deep inner truth and honesty.”Am I open to changing my mind on this at all?” If the answer is no, then declare that you are not. You have a closed, fixed mind, a fundamentalist point of view, and that is that. Save people time and energy in the outright declaration. “On this, I will not be moved!”
  2. If you are open to changing your mind, what do you need to enable change? Information? From where? Spoken by whom? Evidence, from where? Direct observation, experience? 
  3. How is your entire identity wrapped in maintaining the status quo, the opinions and beliefs you have held? Does this identity also include being part of a community, a tribe, and a sub-group? How will they respond if you change your mind? Do you have the inner ability to admit that you had been captured by a belief that you no longer have?

We grow up, hopefully, as we age. Once upon a time, we might have ardently believed there was a monster under the bed, no matter how reassuring our parents were that the monster did not exist. 

If we have a mind shut down to change, if we refuse to consider that the story we are holding as true is not, then we are captured. This is not freedom. We are enslaved to someone else’s idea that we have adopted as our own.

To truly think for ourselves means to start with a clean page and write our own story. This is even harder to do today in a world where AI can produce streams of documents and data that support the propagation of lies in seconds, publishing them to artificial replicants of respected sources.

Photo taken October 11th 2021