When contempt exists

When contempt exists in any form in a relationship it signals a Grand Canyonal rift in a future possibility of respect.

There is an ugliness to contempt that is palpable. 

Contempt opens the door for a total lack of care. Care for the other, care for what happens next to them.

Contempt is but a nanosecond away from permanent division.

If we know contempt for another, be that someone in our immediate friendship group, or someone in the public space to who we have no close connection, we might ask why this person evokes such a visceral reaction?

We might notice that our contempt towards another is a form of dehumanisation. 

We can hold contempt for chosen actions and behaviours. Yet if we cannot find some thread of good in another then we might look at ourselves. How did we allow such a level of despising to take root? What does this say about us?

Photo taken July 20th 2021