When rage kills

Are we surprised that systems that find success by denying people – insured people – access to life-saving care – which results in their death – are hated to the degree they are?

Sanctioned, profit-making success by killing people is not an enduring business model. 

The rage swirling through our communities is real. 

Nothing justifies killing. Yet are we surprised that killing those who allowed others’ deaths as a justification for more profit has happened?

This is just the beginning of the rage turning to violence. It has nowhere else to go. Rage. Hopelessness. Helplessness. I am reminded of the great movie with Peter Finch – Network – getting people to yell out their windows that they cannot take it anymore. (That movie came out in 1976)

Rage against the tech giants who happily addict people, young people especially, to porn. (and gambling) Said Scott Galloway, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg are the pornographers of our global economy. Ouch. But yes, they are. As are the founders and board of Google.

Rage against the oligarchs who get away with rape, tax evasion, exploitation, environmental destruction – every single day of the week. While the taxpayer scraping by gets locked up for minor misdemeanours and not paying their little tax bill. Or being hounded by an algorithm created by the government that says they owe a debt they never incurred.

We need to expect far more rage that kills. In these next four years, the rage-generating machine will go exponential. 

There is an antidote. 

End capitalism. End money in politics. Tax the rich. Break down monopoly. Break up the media. Make lies a true crime. Make eco-violence a crime. Stop genocide. 

Or said another way. Place the sacredness of all life as central to everything. Become Syntropic.

Photo Taken June 19th 2024, Article written December 7th 2024