A True Coalition
A true coalition is one that brings together and unites. It is not a quid pro quo, where we trade back-scratching. You violate your principles over there and I will violate my principles over here.
A healthy coalition is based on Principles that transcend negotiation. It asks participants to commit to a set of mutually agreed upon Principles, and then stay in the conversation and debate until the seemingly impossible solution is uncovered that doesn’t violate the Principles.
Is this easy? Not at all. Staying in the conversation to find common ground that doesn’t violate Principles requires dedication, endurance, courage and love.
Qualities that are lacking in most coalitions.
But the start of any coalition is to anchor the core Principles with clarity and full commitment by all. They become the guiding star of all actions henceforth.
In Syntropic World, we call these Principles and values the Pattern Integrity.
Coalition.1610s, “the growing together of parts,” from French coalition (1540s), from Late Latin coalitus “fellowship,” originally past participle of Latin coalescere “unite, grow together, become one in growth”
Coalesce 1540s, “grow together, unite by growing into one body,” from Latin coalescere “unite, grow together, become one in growth,” from assimilated form of com- “together” (see co-) + alescere “be nourished,” hence, “increase, grow up,” inchoative of alere “to suckle, nourish,” from PIE root *al- (2) “to grow, nourish.” From the Online Etymology Dictionary.
Photo Taken September 19th 2024