Clarity leads to power

Lost and confused, our minds fall down into a spiral that can become self-generating, keeping us trapped. Confusion begets confusion.

Similarly, when we are feeling overwhelmed. Too much going on, a million thoughts bouncing around seeking our attention, when we really only can manage one point of focus at a time.

When we have clarity, we access our power. When we are confused, our power is similarly fragmented. 

Personal power, like electrical power, is a force field. When we have our personal power on, we are flow. This type of power, in distinction to dominating power, which is a minor fractal expression of true aligned power, moves us and others to seemingly impossible action.

There are many elements to clearing the inner circuitry of flow and power. 

One of them is clarity. 

When we are clear about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how and with whom we are doing it and when it will happen, we turn our Vector of Power on.

Clarity leads to power.

Photo Taken December 5th 2024, Article written December 5th 2024