Discerning Integrity in Public Figures

I have been thinking about being a stand for integrity. It is easier to state this and unite together at the global systems level.

Integrity means oneness, to hold its shape. No dissonance. No incoherence in the field.

When we get into the weeds, the nuance and detail, it becomes harder. (Or easier?) 

When a public figure or someone with a large audience speaks, are they speaking with integrity? Are they holding the shape of their being coherently and without dissonance? Or have they eroded the fabric of their identity, seduced by the false gods of fame, money, power and success? 

Perhaps it is more subtle than that. Perhaps they, like us, do not know the fullness of their integrity and authentic voice. The stories they tell belong to someone else. Enculturated from childhood. Or grabbed as a safety blanket. Or appropriated as a means to get something they want.

We have all done this. 

If we are going to trust the stories of a public figure, an author, journalist or politician, we need a set of personal guidelines. The threshold crossing we have created to protect ourselves from seduction and the relinquishment of our integrity. This is not easy. It can only be done with time and observation.

In other words, watch, watch, watch, over time, before you swallow their offering.

Why do they act and speak? Why really? What is their true purpose? 

Do their words match their actions? Repeatedly. Enduringly.

Can they say sorry, I made a mistake, and do so with humility?

Are they accessible and open to criticism and feedback? Will they really listen and respond?

Are they approachable, refusing the gilded cage of power and privilege?

Are they steeped in humanity? Genuine care. The ability to feel, to love, to stand with those in suffering?

Are they able to consider, deeply the perspective of others?

At the minimum, these threshold crossings create the contours for integrity.

What might you add to this integrity architecture?

Photo Taken September 11th 2024