How to Participate in a Syntropic World

Integrity in all actions, designs, systems and structures.

Radical Honesty.

Kindness as a primary impulse.

Treat others as you would yourself.

Be generous first.

Dare to Care enough to speak the truth in service to others.

All life is sacred.

Clean Communication as an always practice.

Seek first to understand.

Clear boundaries are critical.

When misunderstanding or upset occurs, treat it as a priority and seek to understand all sides.

Continuous education – about the world, our underlying systems and structures history and our emotional, spiritual, physical and cognitive development.

Sensemaking skills as a priority against the backdrop of algorithms designed to scramble all sense. 

Maintain an open mind and heart. That idea you cling to or defend is likely to be partially true.

Understand and name the incentive, purpose and desire behind your actions and others. Call it true.

Name Little Atrocities in yourself and others as they first arise.

Love trumps violence – violent thoughts, deeds and words. 

Ecologies of synergy, where people can be both agentic and whole while also working together collaboratively, are the greatest exponential technology available.

Integrity is the essence of everything.

Photo Taken January 10th, 2025, Article written January 12th, 2025.