How we might deal with conflict

I was asked yesterday how we might deal with conflict. The answer is not easy or simple, and I certainly do not claim expertise.

How does Nature deal with conflict? 

In my work, I revert to what Bucky Fuller called the principle of principles.

Synergy. That we cannot determine the behaviour of the whole by examining the parts separately. 

Therefore, the discipline is to seek to understand the whole. To do this, we must be prepared to put aside our beliefs and views. To open our minds and be willing to be wrong. To accept that our truth is likely to be partial. A part, not the whole.

To begin from this place, in humility, is to begin with an intention for wisdom. 

This is hard for most people. We love our righteousness. We feel safe with our beliefs and world views. Unless we confront our position of fixed and rigid beliefs with the ardent intent to understand the whole, we remain a significant part of the problem.

Photo Taken January 24th 2024