Live harmoniously together
I have spent the last two days in Dubai, decompressing from a busy two weeks of travel, staying with a friend who has chosen Dubai as her place to be for now.
If there is a melting pot in the world that allows diversity to coexist, Dubai is that place. There are so many different cultures and religions harmonising.
Over the course of my travels the discussion about democracy and benevolent dictatorship has come up more than once.
The Western mind often believes that democracy is the only way. Yet democracy is failing us in so many countries.
Singapore, Dubai, and China have flourished under benevolent dictatorships. They are far from perfect. Human rights violations are real.
Each has its peccadilloes. Yet it is admirable that harmony can be found in so much diversity in Dubai.
I watch as the Christo-fascists seek to divide and conquer in the USA and, to a lesser degree, Australia. Modi of India is amplifying the tension between religions. Ethnic, racial and caste tensions are reaching breaking point in so many places, stirred by the political and corporate class that thrives most on division.
I had lunch with the wife of a diplomat in China a few days ago. Worldly and highly educated and a champion for Indigenous people, she affirmed what I had heard. China is not seeking global military domination. Economic, yes. But not belligerent. Yet, in Australia, we make China a threat militarily. It suits our political and corporate class to do so.
She also said Beijing had ended the severe pollution in a few years by completely electrifying everything. This is only achievable in an autocracy.
I am not saying that autocracy is the right way. Politics and leadership live in an operating system that is fuelled by domination, empire and patriarchy.
We must end this operating system if we want a world with a future and create a new one that honours life, gender and Earth and her creatures.
Humans of all colours and creeds can live harmoniously together. The myth that this is not possible must end.
Photo Taken June 14th 2024