Lovingly Brutal
The surprising thing I have fully embraced about my Pattern Integrity is that I am the one between bullies and victims. I am the one who cannot watch as bullies do their supremacy thing.
It is the right use of rage and anger. And there is a healthy place for rage and anger. Anger is as much a part of me as my love of beauty.
The Dare to Care workshop emerged in 2020 as an expression of this. Do I care enough to speak the radical truth in service to another? Can I let go of my need to be liked or right in service to the best of another?
This is to be lovingly brutal. Great coaches know this. The truth is liberating, and first, it might enrage you. But the enragement is a sure sign that we are close to truth.
Notice your rage. Like a cut snake, it has something to protect. What is that? This is an enquiry of wisdom.
To be lovingly brutal to another as an act of service to the best of them, absent any need to be right, liked, superior, great, admired or wise…absent anything other than in service…is a genuine offering towards the brilliance seen below the noise and fear.
I want that for me. I am surrounded by people who love me enough to be brutal in their reflection of truth. Sure, it can hurt, but on the other side of the hurt is my greater liberation and truth.
Once I have seen the truth, I then get to choose what I do with it. Once known and seen, I can attempt to deny it, but it cannot be unseen.
Then it is 100% on me, what I do with it. It is for this reason – the burden of responsibility – that people often do not want to know or face the truth.
Photo Taken December 28th, 2024, Article written January 2nd, 2025.