Peace is not just the absence of war

Peace is not just the absence of war. For peace to exist, there needs to be a commitment to peace, and the context for peace where life, humanity and equality are revered. 

If we do not have a context for peace, if we dehumanise sections of society, if we revere the rich and deride the poor, if we amplify indignity and prevent participation from the whole human family, then peace cannot exist.

Peace will never exist when the weapons of war make some people extremely rich. The incentive for war is too great when profit off killingry is sanctioned.

Peace asks us to create equality across different castes and ethnicities; it asks us to ensure that our human-constructed national borders do not tip inequality in one direction or the other. 

Dynamic healthy reciprocity is crucial to peace. When there is more take and less give, the scales tip towards war.

Peace lives when there is a healthy place for disagreement, difference, and diversity. 

A genuine cry for peace without changing the context in which peace can exist is naive. 

Photo Taken June 23rd 2024