I had my day planned. Busy busy busy. And then life intervened. I came home from my run and Milly, my beloved companion, was sick. Really sick.
Of course, everything else fell away, without question. Call’s, appointments, vet visits. Nursing. This is what we do when love calls.
All of those other important things can wait. They are not that important after all.
How many times do we need to be brought back to what really matters? That in a moment, life changes.
I am always grateful for these moments. For these rememberings of what is real. Love, connection, touch, care, being held and holding. We are so very human after all.
Just reading about your sweet companion being sick now on a Friday afternoon before a speech competition. Already realizing that little in the world can compare in importance with the illness of a loved one. Connection with those around us and sometimes with our own thoughts about what is important is indeed the essence of fully living.