There is no up from here

Over the course of nearly two years, I invested in advertising Syntropic on the Meta platforms. I am a small business where every dollar counts. I spent, for me, a big amount.

But then my Instagram was hacked. It still is not back in my hands. Two months later. Because one of the richest companies in the world refuses to pay people to fix these issues in a timely manner. My issue is probably a 5 or 10-minute fix, and if I had the keys to the backend, I could do it myself. 

I have learned that if you build your assets on a platform that you have no rights to, other than posting or paying for advertising – in other words, you are the engine room – then you, me – we are fools.

For those in the USA tiktok space, this lesson is about to hit.

But this will not be an isolated incident. 

With unhinged oligarchs owning the platforms, their addiction to power enables them to do whatever the hell they like.

So they do.

Until a government says no. This is likely to happen sooner than later as the platforms seek to manipulate elections around the world.

The big Social Media platforms have died in lag. There is no up from here. Only down. The untethering of any form of moderation will turn nasty nastier. In the dying days, nastier will amplify.

The Law of Gravity wins again. Once the highest of heights has been achieved, the only next is down. What seemed impossible becomes possible.

No one, no thing is immune. The timing is unpredictable. The tipping point rarely expected. Patience is required.

Gravity wins every time.

Photo Taken January 16th, 2025, Article written January 16th, 2025.