Those who stand with evil
Images of people applauding a war criminal cannot be erased. Every person clapping is now on public record.
Tweets from years ago that have been erased are resurrected by those who kept screenshots. Character, even if misguided and ignorant, is revealed.
When we choose to stand on the side of evil, lies, genocide and the sanctioned erasure of an ethnic group, history will not forget. When men take away the hard-fought rights of women to body autonomy, choice and equal access to power, they must be prepared for the backlash. When money and power hollow out all classes ‘beneath’ them, the simmering disquiet will become a storm.
We cannot bluff our way back to innocence. There is no story that makes the choice to stand with evil an easy act of forgiveness.
Only a profound and painful recognition of a choice to sanction evil and violence and its consequences can allow a space for forgiveness. Those who stand with evil must see their evil.
Every day, we have a million choices. Integrity, dignity, equality, justice, and respect for all life are conscious acts.
Photo Taken July 25th 2024