Crucifixion in the current day

This week a small woman spoke courageously to power. The power sat in their chairs with stony faces, barely able to hide their rage and disgust.

She called on love, kindness and compassion. 

She did so with an open heart, appealing to the teachings of her religion.

She was crucified for it. Crucifixion in the current day is not to be nailed to a cross. It is to be slammed by a rabid media and righteous haters, to be told by elected officials that she should be deported with the other ‘vermin’ who sought sanctuary in a country that claims global superiority.

I am not religious. I was raised in a Christian family, attending Sunday School as a child. I recall stories of Jesus loving the lepers, prostitutes and destitute. Of loosing his shit in the halls of the tax collectors. And then, because he posed a threat to those who adored dominating, extractive power, he was crucified. 

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

When a small woman of faith speaks of her faith against those who claim the same faith with hate-filled, greedy hearts, she demonstrates the kind of moral courage so absent in the halls of power.

Photo January 26th, Article written January 26th, 2025.