I invite you to ask this question
This time of year is a time of transitions and threshold crossings.
I am a big fan of threshold crossings.
Be that the daily small. From night to morning. A chance every day to begin again.
From one surf session to the next.
Or the more significant. End of year. Start of a new year. Birthdays.
A new job. Healing from a major illness.
Threshold crossings are steeped into the lore of Syntropic World.
To cross into a Syntropic Enterprise is not a skip down the yellow brick road. It asks for a commitment to a code of being with each other. For how we show up, take action and accept responsibility.
There is a bit of heavy lifting to be done to cross. Like almost everything we value most in life.
You have to want it.
I think about this as I prepare to end 2024 and begin 2025.
What is the threshold I seek to create for myself, steeped in the question of what I desire as an intention for 2025?
Too often, we treat this enquiry with a cavalier attitude, more like wishes.
Not that.
What is it that you desire with the whole of your being? Not a desire that fills the void, rather a desire that opens the world to more love and beauty?
I invite you to ask this question. To not rush the answer. To sink into the marrow of your being and allow the answer to emerge with the certain knowing that it is the right answer for you, untainted by the energy of loss, lack or egoic emptiness.
A pure desire from your soul, one that you know you will commit to act upon, even when it feels hard.
A single one will do.
Photo Taken December 17th 2024, Article written December 17th 2024