We are the authors of our own life
We are so tired of the dominator hierarchies, where power and privilege tell us what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and in our doing, leave us emotionally, physically and spiritually bankrupt.
But to slam hierarchy and authority as the problem is to misunderstand the terrain.
We the people have always had the power. We have always had the authority. (Authority means authorship)
We have brought the story that we are powerless, worth-less, incapable..a story that serves the dominator hierarchy so well.
We have subjugated ourselves to the victim class. We have been seduced by those who get us riled up about authority telling us what to do, failing to see that there is a deliberate plan to get us riled up.
It is time to be the author of our own lives. To know when we are being manipulated, either by the dominator hierarchy or those who win by creating a feeding frenzy of anti-authority backlash.
It is time we start to think critically for ourselves. This means literally to question every single belief, every place we are triggered.
Why are we triggered?
Is it true? Is it really true? Again, is it true?
If it is true, who said so? Why do I believe them? What do I gain from believing them? What do they gain from propagating this belief?
We are the authors of our own life. To take personal responsibility, to be our own authority, to think for ourselves, to consider how our actions affect others, close and far, and the future, near and far…this is to know personal power.
As a citizen of a country, if the issues you feel are being inflicted on you against your authority are so wrong, get political, become an activist (nonviolent), galvanise others, move countries. But to sit back and complain without taking back your own authority is simply to be part of the excessive noise of complaint that thrives from complaining without action. This is to live the victim. Those in power love it. It keeps us distracted, fighting against each other.
While we fight over the breadcrumbs, the house, and our future, are stolen.
Photo taken October 6th 2021